Opening Hours
Monday 9am-5:30pm
Tuesday 9am-5:30pm
Wednesday 9am-5:30pm
Thursday 9am-5:30pm
Friday 9am-5:30pm
Saturday 9am-12pm
Sunday and Public Holidays CLOSED

50 Radovick Street, Korumburra VIC 3950

03 5655 1355

03 5655 1537
Helen Papadopoulos runs a diabetes education clinic at the medical centre on a Wednesday fortnightly.
To book in with Helen please call the clinic on (03) 5655 1355.
Our Smoking Cessation clinics are ran by our nurses in consultation with our GPs.
This clinic provides you with support and education to help you on your quit journey.
Ring the clinic to book in.
Our mental health nurse Lisa Veitch has consults at clinic. She visits weekly alternating Tuesdays & Wednesdays.
To have a consult with Lisa you will need a referral from a doctor.
Irene Pillay is an audiometrist that runs audiology and sleep clinic at the house to the right of the medical centre weekly on a Thursday.
To book with Irene please call her main office on (03) 56255155.

Lakshmi Jayalath completed her Masters in 2018 at La Trobe University, Australia, and a Bachelors in physiotherapy from 2006 to 2011 at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She holds more than 8 years of experience working in public, private and university providing a range of services for individuals in both Sri Lanka and Australia.
Lakshmi worked at the University of Colombo as a lecturer and physiotherapist from 2013. During this time, she published over 8 physiotherapy related research publications on multiple topics in peer-reviewed indexed journals. She moved to Australia and started working at Robinvale District Health Service in January 2024.
She is passionate about treating musculoskeletal, neurological, and geriatric conditions, as well as rehabilitation. Lakshmi has a holistic approach to patient management with excellent interpersonal skills and uses an evidence based approach for treatment. She employs a variety of treatment techniques, including manual therapy, soft tissue manipulation, and exercise prescription.
Lakshmi works out of 48 Radovick Street on a Monday and a Friday

Our Women's Health Nurses run a fortnightly women's health clinic at the medical centre on a Wednesday where they offer Cervical Screening consults and discuss women's health issues.
These Consults are bulk billed.

Stuart Bastin runs his podiatry clinic at the house to the right of medical center weekly on a Tuesday and Thursday. Micaela also visits weekly on a Wednesday.
To book with Stuart or Micaela you can either call the clinic or Stuart's main rooms on (03) 5625 9388.

Dr Prasanna Gamage consults at the Korumburra Medical Centre weekly on a Wednesday. They offer specialist sports medicine services.
To book in with MP Sports physicians please call the Narre Warren office on 03 5935 0858.